
We have studied the effect of the spin-orbit interaction on generation and conversion of optical vortices in multihelicoidal fibers, that is, the fibers possessing a multihelical refractive index profile. On the basis of a fully analytical approach we have obtained the spectra of coupled modes and their structure. Specifically, we have established selection rules, under which the spin-orbit interaction mediates the conversion of optical vortices into vortices with the topological charge changed by $\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}(\ensuremath{\ell}\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}2)$, $\ensuremath{\ell}$ being the number of helical branches in refractive index distribution. Also, we have shown that the spin-orbit interaction can lead to generation of radially and azimuthally polarized TE and TM modes from optical vortices. We have also demonstrated that if such generation is mediated by a scalar-type perturbation of the fiber's form, it is possible only for weakly deformed fibers. For strongly deformed fibers such perturbation can result only in generation of vortices with zero total angular momentum. Additionally, we have studied the possibility of polarization control over the orbital angular momentum of the generated state in such a system.

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