
We report a spin-orbit coupling induced back-action cooling in an optomechanical system, composed of a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in an optical cavity with one movable end mirror, by suppressing heating effects of quantum noises. The collective density excitations of the spin-orbit coupling mediated hyperfine states - serving as atomic oscillators equally coupled to the cavity field - trigger strongly driven atomic back-action. We find that the back-action not only revamps low-temperature dynamics of its own but also provides an opportunity to cool the mechanical mirror to its quantum mechanical ground state. Further, we demonstrate that the strength of spin-orbit coupling also superintends dynamic structure factor and squeezes nonlinear quantum noises, like thermo-mechanical and photon shot noise, which enhances optomechanical features of hybrid cavity beyond the previous investigations. Our findings are testable in a realistic setup and enhance the functionality of cavity-optomechanics with spin-orbit coupled hyperfine states in the field of quantum optics and quantum computation.

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