
Models such as Natural Inflation that use pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons as the inflaton are attractive for many reasons. However, they typically require trans-Planckian field excursions ΔΦ>MPl, due to the need for an axion decay constant f>MPl to have both a sufficient number of e-folds and values of ns,r consistent with data. Such excursions would in general require the addition of all other higher dimension operators consistent with symmetries, thus disrupting the required flatness of the potential and rendering the theory nonpredictive. We show that in the case of Natural Inflation, the existence of spinodal instabilities (modes with tachyonic masses) can modify the inflaton equations of motion to the point that versions of the model with f<MPl can still inflate for the required number of e-folds. The instabilities naturally give rise to two separate phases of inflation with different values of the Hubble parameter H, one driven by the zero mode, the other by the unstable fluctuation modes. The values of ns and r typically depend on the initial conditions for the zero mode, and, at least for those examined here, the values of r tend to be unobservably small.


  • Richard1, ‡ 1University of California at Davis, Department of Physics, One Shields Ave, Davis CA 95616 USA. Models such as Natural Inflation that use Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (PNGB’s) as the inflaton are attractive for many reasons

  • We show that in the case of Natural Inflation, the existence of spinodal instabilities can modify the inflaton equations of motion to the point that versions of the model with f < MPl can still inflate for the required number of e-folds

  • While the inflationary paradigm is consistent with all data coming from the CMB[1, 2] as well as large scale structure[3], the building of concrete models of inflation which are consistent with the known precepts of quantum field theory, and have some measure of naturalness has been a vexing problem since inflation was first posited

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While the inflationary paradigm is consistent with all data coming from the CMB[1, 2] as well as large scale structure[3], the building of concrete models of inflation which are consistent with the known precepts of quantum field theory, and have some measure of naturalness has been a vexing problem since inflation was first posited. The article has been published as: Spinodal Instabilities and Super-Planckian Excursions in Natural Inflation

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