
A typical Tesla thermomagnetic engine employs a solid magnetic wheel to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy, while thermomagnetic convection in ferrofluid is still challenging to observe because it is a volume convection that occurs in an enclosed space. Using a water-based ferrofluid, a liquid Tesla thermomagnetic engine is demonstrated and reports the observation of thermomagnetic convection on a free surface. Both types of fluid motions are driven by light and observed by simply placing ferrofluid on a cylindrical magnet. The surface thermomagnetic convection on the free surface is made possible by eliminating the Marangoni effect, while the spinning of the liquid wheel is achieved through the solid-like behavior of the ferrofluid under a strong magnetic field. Increasing the magnetic field reveals a transition from simple thermomagnetic convection to a combination of the central spin of the spiky wheel surrounded by thermomagnetic convection in the outer region of the ferrofluid. The coupling between multiple ferrofluid wheels through a fluid bridge is further demonstrated. These demonstrations not only unveil the unique properties of ferrofluid but also provide a new platform for studying complex fluid dynamics and thermomagnetic convection, opening up exciting opportunities for light-controlled fluid actuation and soft robotics.

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