
Tunnelling spectra of Co/Au/YBa2Cu3Oy (YBaCuO) and Co/Au/Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (BiSrCaCuO) tunnel junctions have been studied in order to understand the electrical properties of ferromagnet/high-Tc superconductor junctions, and to study the difference between YBaCuO and BiSrCaCuO. The energy gap structures and a zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) are clearly observed in conductance spectra for both Co/Au/YBaCuO and Co/Au/BiSrCaCuO junctions. This result can be compared with that of Au/YBaCO and Au/BiSrCaCuO junctions, a normal metal/superconductor (S/N) junction. In the case of Co/Au/YBaCuO and Co/Au/BiSrCaCuO junctions, the amplitude of the ZBCP is smaller than that of the S/N junctions. This result indicates that the tunnelling properties are strongly affected by a spin polarization of electrons flowing through the junctions. Furthermore, the amplitude of the ZBCP observed in the Co/Au/YBaCuO junction is smaller than that of the Co/Au/BiSrCaCuO junction. The difference is attributed to the difference in anisotropy of the two superconductors.

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