
The Inagli dunite-peridotite-shonkinite zonal-ring intrusive with platinum-chromite mineralization is located on the Aldan shield of the Siberian Platform. Considering the structure, rock composition and ore mineralization, it is similar to the platinum-bearing zonal massifs of the "Ural-Alaskan" type, but this intrusive differs from the latter in its geological position. In order to clarify the physical and chemical conditions of formation of the Inagli massif, the mineral composition of rocks, especially сhromite-containing dunites, peridotites and shonkinites, as well as platinum-chromitite ore segregations, has been studied in detail. The rocks of the Inagli massif, from dunites to shonkinites, including peridotites, clinopyroxenites, and alkaline syenites, form a single continuous series. This is confirmed by a clear dependence of the composition of olivine, pyroxene, phlogopite and chromian spinel on the content of MgO in rocks. They were formed from the initial high-potassium picrite melt, which, during rising, underwent gradual decompression solidification and formed a cylindrical diapir-like body at the near-surface level in the Early Cretaceous. This occurred as a result of subduction processes related to the formation of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt along the southern framing of the Siberian craton. The values of oxygen volatility (lgfO2) for dunites, peridotites, shonkinites, chromitites and olivine-chromite inclusions in the isoferroplatinum of the Inagli massif, calculated using the method of the olivine-spinel oxygen thermobarometer of Ballhaus-Berry-Green (BBG), form a single trend FMQ+(2-4) in the range 620-11400C, i.e. along the band by 2-4 units of lgfO2 exceeding the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer. Such a rather narrow range of variation in the values of O2 fugacity in a wide interval of temperature indicates good comparability and reliability of the data obtained. At the same time, there is a natural decrease in temperature intervals for the formation of olivine-chromite parageneses (in 0С): with isoferroplatinum – (1140-680); in chromitite segregations – (980-710); in dunites – (930-620); peridotites – (890-770) and shonkinites – (840-710). The results obtained almost completely coincide with the field of values for dunites and chromitites from the Platinum-bearing belt of the Urals, given by other researchers. In terms of redox parameters, platinum-bearing zonal ultramafic-mafic massifs of the Ural-Alaskan and Aldanian types are close to more oxidized peridotites with a long history in the lithosphere. They differ significantly from the peridotites of the Beni-Bousera massif, as well as abyssal peridotites of the oceanic ridge systems, and others, which are formed under more reduced conditions corresponding to the range between FMQ, carbon-oxygen-CO (ССО) and iron-wustite (IW) buffers.

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