
We examined how aging affects the role of sleep in the consolidation of newly learned cognitive strategies. Forty healthy young adults (20-35 years) and 30 healthy older adults (60-85 years) were included. Participants were trained on the Tower of Hanoi (ToH) task, then, half of each age group were assigned to either the 90-minute nap condition, or stayed awake, before retesting. The temporal co-occurrence between slow waves (SW) and sleep spindles (SP) during non-rapid eye movement sleep was examined as a function of age in relation to memory consolidation of problem-solving skills. We found that despite intact learning, older adults derived a reduced benefit of sleep for problem-solving skills relative to younger adults. As expected, the percentage of coupled spindles was lower in older compared to younger individuals from control to testing sessions. Furthermore, coupled spindles in young adults were more strongly coupled to the SW upstate compared to older individuals. Coupled spindles in older individuals were lower in amplitude (mean area under the curve; μV) compared to the young group. Lastly, there was a significant relationship between offline gains in accuracy on the ToH and percent change of spindles coupled to the upstate of the slow wave in older, but not younger adults. Multiple regression revealed that age accounted for differences in offline gains in accuracy, as did spindle coupling during the upstate. These results suggest that with aging, spindle-slow wave coupling decreases. However, the degree of the preservation of coupling with age correlates with the extent of problem-solving skill consolidation during sleep.

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