
SPINAL subdural abscess is mentioned only rarely in the literature. Bennett and Keegan1reported 1 case of such a lesion following multiple furuncles and osteomyelitis, which was characterized by pain in the back, subarachnoid block and progressive signs indicative of a lesion in the upper thoracic region of the cord. Exploration revealed subdural granulation tissue containing a few drops of creamy pus, from which Staphylococcus aureus was cultured. A functional recovery followed surgical drainage. The second case, reported by Chi,2was that of a Chinese soldier with furunculosis who had intermittent pain in the back, progressive symptoms indicative of involvement of the spinal cord for three months and subarachnoid block. Myelographic examination with iodized oil U.S.P. revealed a lesion in the lower thoracic region of the spinal cord. At operation, the dura was seen to be red and indurated, and the subarachnoid space contained reddish granulation tissue and

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