
Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaMnO3/SrRuO3 (LSMO/LMO/SRO) heterostructures with an LMO layer 0–35 nm thick are grown by laser ablation on an NdGaO3 substrate at a high temperature. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy demonstrate sharp interfaces and epitaxial growth of the LSMO and SRO layers in the heterostructures at an LMO layer thickness of 0–35 nm. SQUID measurements of the magnetic moment of the heterostructures with an LMO layer and the data obtained with reflectometry of polarized neutrons show that the manganite LMO layer is a ferromagnet at a temperature below 150 K and strongly affects the magnetic moment of the heterostructures at low temperatures. The magnetoresistance of the mesostructure created from the heterostructure using lithography and ion etching decreases with increasing LMO layer thickness and weakly depends on the direction of an applied magnetic field. If the LMP layer is absent, a negative magnetoresistance is detected; it is likely to be caused by a negative magnetization of the SRO layer.

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