
The dynamical spin susceptibility χ ″ π at wave vector (π, π) and the spectrum π″ of the spin-triplet particle–particle excitation with center of mass momentum (π, π) (π-excitation) are considered in the slave–boson formulation of the t– J-model. Propagators are calculated in a diagrammatic t-matrix approximation in the d-wave superconducting state for a wide doping range. The resulting spectra, χ ″ π and π″, both show a resonance at a doping dependent energy, in qualitative agreement with recent numerical cluster calculations. In underdoped systems, the peak position is comparable to that found in neutron scattering experiments. The peak in χ ″ π , as well as in π″, is at low doping, entirely caused by spin fluctuations, whereas the triplet particle–particle channel does not contribute as a collective mode.

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