
Topological insulators have attracted great interest as generators of spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in spintronic devices. Bi1-x Sbx is a prominent topological insulator that has a high charge-to-spin conversion efficiency. However, the origin and magnitude of the SOTs induced by current-injection in Bi1-x Sbx remain controversial. Here, the investigation of the SOTs and spin Hall magnetoresistance resulting from charge-to-spin conversion in twin-free epitaxial layers of Bi0.9 Sb0.1 (0001) coupled to FeCo are investigated, and compared with those of amorphous Bi0.9 Sb0.1 . A large charge-to-spin conversion efficiency of 1 in the first case and less than 0.1 in the second is found, confirming crystalline Bi0.9 Sb0.1 as a strong spin-injector material. The SOTs and spin Hall magnetoresistance are independent of the direction of the electric current, indicating that charge-to-spin conversion in single-crystal Bi0.9 Sb0.1 (0001) is isotropic despite the strong anisotropy of the topological surface states. Further, it is found that the damping-like SOT has a non-monotonic temperature dependence with a minimum at 20K. By correlating the SOT with resistivity and weak antilocalization measurements, charge-spin conversion is concluded to occur via thermally excited holes from the bulk states above 20K, and conduction through the isotropic surface states with increasing spin polarization due to decreasing electron-electron scattering below20K.

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