
We present a physical model of spin quantum teleportation protocol (QTP) in a triple quantum dot array using a genetic algorithm approach. The information to teleport is spin-coded in one electron confined in a single quantum dot (SQD). The remaining double quantum dot (DQD) system has just an electron with spin that includes spin–orbit interaction. Charge and spin of the electron get hybridized with the site occupancy having two intrinsic quantum degrees of freedom. The DQD is prepared in a hybrid spin–orbit entangled (HES) Bell-like state with tunneling and site energies as time-dependent control parameters that are optimized by means of genetic algorithms (GAs). The hybrid entangled resources that we obtained allow spin-charge quantum state teleportation with a fidelity of 0.9972 and are used as a resource channel to establish the QT protocol. The spin state of the electron in the SQD interacts with the DQD spin–orbit entangled channel via a modulated exchange interaction to emulate Alice’s joint measurement required for QT with GA parameter control. A charge detection measurement in one of the DQD systems is sufficient to have the spin state teleported up to a unitary transformation. A specific joint measurement and unitary transformation were selected to test the protocol, and we obtain fidelity of 0.99 for the QTP. The quantum circuit models for both the spin–orbit entangled state and the teleportation are determined from the analysis of the stages of the controlled quantum dynamics obtained from the GA approach.

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