
Saturation transfer ESR has been used to study the dynamic behaviour of lipids in the appressed regions of thylakoid membranes from pea seedlings. Four different phospho- and galacto-lipid spin labels (phosphatidylcholine labelled at the 12 or 14 C-atom positions of the sn-2 chain, phosphatidylglycerol labelled at the 14-position of the sn-2 chain, and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol labelled at the 12-position of the sn-2 chain) were used to probe the lipid environment in photosystem II-enriched membranes prepared by detergent extraction. The ESR spectra show that the majority of the lipid in these preparations is strongly motionally restricted. Values for the effective rotational correlation times of the labelled chains were deduced from the lineheight ratios and integrals of thhe saturation transfer ESR spectra. The effective rotational correlation times were found to be in the 10 5 range, indicating a very low lipid chain mobility which correlates with the low lipid content of these preparations. Comparison of the effective rotational correlation times deduced from the different diagnostic regions of the spectrum revealed little anisotropy in the chain mobility, indicating that the dominant motional mode was trans-gauche isomerization. The effective rotational correlation times deduced from the spectral integrals were similar to those deduced from the lineheight ratios, consistent with the absence of any appreciable fluid lipid component in these preparations. The results also indicate some selectivity of interaction between the lipid species, with phosphatidylcholine exhibiting appreciably slower motion than either phosphatidylglycerol or monogalactosyldiacylglycerol.

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