
A charge flow through a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) leads to the generation of a spin-polarized current which exerts a spin-transfer torque (STT) on the magnetization. When the density of applied direct current exceeds some critical value, the STT excites high-frequency magnetization precession in the "free" electrode of MTJ. Such precession gives rise to microwave output voltage and, furthermore, can be employed for spin pumping into adjacent normal metal or semiconductor. Here we describe theoretically the spin dynamics and charge transport in the CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB/Au tunneling heterostructure connected to a constant-current source. The magnetization dynamics in the free CoFeB layer with weak perpendicular anisotropy is calculated by numerical integration of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation accounting for both STT and voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy associated with the CoFeB|MgO interface. It is shown that a large-angle magnetization precession, resulting from electrically induced dynamic spin reorientation transition, can be generated in a certain range of relatively low current densities. An oscillating spin current, which is pumped into the Au overlayer owing to such precession, is then evaluated together with the injected spin current. Considering both the driving spin-polarized charge current and the pumped spin current, we also describe the charge transport in the CoFeB/Au bilayer with the account of anomalous and inverse spin Hall effects. An electric potential difference between the lateral sides of the CoFeB/Au bilayer is calculated as a function of distance from the CoFeB|MgO interface. It is found that this transverse voltage signal in Au is large enough for experimental detection, which indicates significant efficiency of the proposed current-driven spin injector.

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