
AbstractThe combination of spin‐orbit coupling driven effects and multiferroic tunneling properties is explored experimentally in thin Pt/Co/BaTiO3(BTO)/La2/3Sr1/3MnO3(LSMO) multilayers. The presence of a Pt heavy metal allows for the spin current‐induced magnetization precession of Co upon radio‐frequency charge current injection. The utilization of a BTO ferroelectric tunnel barrier separating the Co and LSMO ferromagnetic electrodes gives rise to both tunneling‐ magnetoresistance and electroresistance. Using the spin‐orbit torque ferromagnetic resonance, the magnetization dynamics of the Co/Pt bilayers is studied at room temperature. Unexpectedly, the magnetization dynamics study in the same geometry performed at low temperature reveals the existence of both Co and LSMO resonance peaks indicating efficient spin current generation both using the spin Hall effect in Pt and spin pumping in LSMO that tunnel via the BTO barrier.

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