
We report a magnetic-field dependence of the photoconductivity of (100) silicon films that have been deposited on sapphire by chemical vapor deposition. The main effect is a fractional decrease of 0.1% in photoconductivity as the magnetic field is increased from zero to 30mT, observed in both as-deposited and epitaxially regrown films. The effect can be explained in the context of the trapped electron-hole pair model of carrier recombination of Kaplan, Solomon, and Mott, and arises from a difference in the precession rate of electrons and holes of recombining pairs. A quantum mechanical version of the model by L’vov, Mima, and Tretyak [Sov. Phys. JETP 56, 897 (1982)] gives a convincing fit to the data and suggests a value of 0.008⩽(ge−gh)⩽0.03 for the difference in the g values of recombining electrons and holes.

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