
In the conventional theory of density wave ordering in metals, the onset of spin density wave (SDW) order co-incides with the reconstruction of the Fermi surfaces into small 'pockets'. We present models which display this transition, while also displaying an alternative route between these phases via an intermediate phase with topological order, no broken symmetry, and pocket Fermi surfaces. The models involve coupling emergent gauge fields to a fractionalized SDW order, but retain the canonical electron operator in the underlying Hamiltonian. We establish an intimate connection between the suppression of certain defects in the SDW order, and the presence of Fermi surface sizes distinct from the Luttinger value in Fermi liquids. We discuss the relevance of such models to the physics of the hole-doped cuprates near optimal doping.


  • A number of recent experiments [1,2,3,4] have highlighted a remarkable transformation in the electronic state of the hole-doped cuprates at a hole density around p = pc ≈ 0.19: many electronic properties change from those characteristic of a Fermi gas of charge +e carriers of density p for p < pc, to those of a Fermi gas of charge +e carriers of density 1 + p for p > pc

  • In the conventional theory of density wave ordering in metals, the onset of spin density wave (SDW) order co-incides with the reconstruction of the Fermi surfaces into small ‘pockets’

  • Starting from the Fermi liquid with a Fermi surface of size 1 + p, there are two reasonable routes to a Fermi surface reconstruction of size p that could apply to the cuprates: (i ) The conventional route involves the onset of spin density wave (SDW) order, which reconstructs the “large” Fermi surface to pocket Fermi surfaces

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Starting from the Fermi liquid with a Fermi surface of size 1 + p, there are two reasonable routes to a Fermi surface reconstruction of size p that could apply to the cuprates: (i ) The conventional route involves the onset of spin density wave (SDW) order (other density wave orders have been suggested [5]), which reconstructs the “large” Fermi surface to pocket Fermi surfaces This route appears appropriate for the electron-doped cuprates, where antiferromagnetic order is observed [6] not too far from the critical electron doping. (ii ) The more ‘exotic’ route relies on the development of topological quantum order in the metallic state, which has been linked to changes in the Fermi surface size [7,8,9] This is an attractive and exciting possibility for the hole-doped cuprates, given the absence in observations so far of significant correlations in any order parameter which breaks translational symmetry near p = pc.

Easy-plane model
LGW-Hertz theory
Fractionalizing the order parameter
Single-site eigenstates
Effective holon Hamiltonian
Effective spinon Hamiltonian
Holon and spinon bound state
Spiral order
Neel order
Stripe order
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