
The thermal, spin and magnetic evolution of neutron stars in the old low mass binaries is first explored. Recycled to very short periods via accretion torques, the neutron stars lose their magnetism progressively. If accretion proceeds undisturbed for 100 Myrs these stars can rotate close to break up with periods far below the minimum observed of 1.558 ms. We investigate their histories using population synthesis models to show that a tail should exist in the period distribution below 1.558 ms. The search of these ultrafastly spinning neutron stars as pulsars can help discriminating among the various equations of state for nuclear matter, and can shed light into the physics of binary evolution. The evolution of isolated neutron stars in the Galaxy is explored beyond the pulsar phase. Moving through the tenuous interstellar medium, these old solitary neutron stars lose their rotational energy. Whether also their magnetism fades is still a mystery. A population synthesis model has revealed that only a tiny fraction of them is able to accrete from the interstellar medium, shining in the X-rays. There is the hope that these solitary stars will eventually appear as faint sources in the Chandra sky survey. This might give insight on the long term evolution of the magnetic field in isolated objects.

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