
This paper introduces an extension of the de Broglie-Bohm-Bell formulation of quantum mechanics, which includes intrinsic particle degrees of freedom, such as spin, as elements of reality. To evade constraints from the Kochen-Specker theorem the discrete spin values refer to a specific basis -- i.e., a single spin vector orientation for each particle; these spin orientations are, however, not predetermined, but dynamic and guided by the (reduced, spin-only) wave function of the system, which is conditional on the realized location values of the particles. In this way, the unavoidable contextuality of spin is provided by the wave function and its realized particle configuration, whereas spin is still expressed as a local property of the individual particles. This formulation, which furthermore features a rigorous discrete-time stochastic dynamics, allows for numerical simulations of particle systems with entangled spin, such as Bohm's version of the EPR experiment.

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