
In [4] we studied the group invariance of the inner product of supervectors as introduced in the framework of Clifford analysis in superspace. The fundamental group SO0 leaving invariant such an inner product turns out to be an extension of SO(m)×Sp(2n) and gives rise to the definition of the spin group in superspace through the exponential of the so-called extended superbivectors, where the spin group can be seen as a double covering of SO0 by means of the representation h(s)[x]=sxs‾. In the present paper, we study the invariance of the Dirac operator in superspace under the classical H and L actions of the spin group on superfunctions. In addition, we consider the Hermitian Clifford setting in superspace, where we study the group invariance of the Hermitian inner product of supervectors introduced in [3]. The group of complex supermatrices leaving this inner product invariant constitutes an extension of U(m)×U(n) and is isomorphic to the subset SO0J of SO0 of elements that commute with the complex structure J. The realization of SO0J within the spin group is studied together with the invariance under its actions of the super Hermitian Dirac system. It is interesting to note that the spin element leading to the complex structure can be expressed in terms of the n-dimensional Fourier transform.

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