
Germanium (Ge) nanodots of about 7 nm size and 2 × 10 12 cm −2 density were formed on slightly oxidized silicon surfaces. The spherical aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (Cs-corrected STEM) revealed clearly the size, aspect ratio and interface structures among the nanodots, oxide layers and silicon substrates. In particular, a Ge-rich thin layer underneath SiO 2 layers was found for the first time in these kinds of samples. The elemental distribution through the interface was analyzed by EELS and EDX in the Cs-corrected STEM. The high-resolution Cs-corrected annular dark field (ADF)-STEM image shows clearly the existence of a Ge-rich crystalline layer and its geometry against the oxide layer from the Z-contrast image. A new growth model of the Ge nanodots on slightly oxidized silicon surfaces was proposed.

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