
The study objectiveis to microscopically evaluate the morphology of sperm in patients with varicocele after surgical treatment and therapy with Prostatilen® AC.Materials and methods. The treatment group included 20 males between 26 and 45 years of age (mean age 31.6 ± 6.1 years) with various stages of varicocele and fertility problems; among them, 10 patients with subclinical stages of varicocele received conservative treatment with Prostatilen® AC (group 1) and were examined before and after the treatment; 10 males with infertility caused in part by varicocele of the spermatic cord veins were examined 6 months to 3 years after surgical treatment (group 2). Standard clinical and lab tests, sperm analysis, electron microscopy of the ejaculate were performed. The control group included 65 fertile males whose sperm samples were obtained from a bank of reproductive cells and tissues and used for comparison in microscopic examination.Results. In patients who received conservative treatment the number of sperm with immature chromatin decreased (p = 0.045) compared to the control group. This characteristic differed in patients after varicocelectomy and patients after conservative treatment (p = 0.037). Compared to control, the number of sperm with excess residual cytoplasm in the head and neck was higher in patients after varicocelectomy (p = 0.011). After conservative treatment, the number of sperm with excess residual cytoplasm was close to the control number and lower than in patients after varicocelectomy (р = 0.028).Conclusion.In patients with subclinical varicocele, conservative treatment with Prostatilen® AC leads to significant improvement in sperm ultrastructure compared to patients who underwent surgery to treat this pathology.


  • In patients who received conservative treatment the number of sperm with immature chromatin decreased (p = 0.045) compared to the control group. This characteristic differed in patients after varicocelectomy and patients after conservative treatment (p = 0.037)

  • Compa­ red to control, the number of sperm with excess residual cytoplasm in the head and neck was higher in patients after varicocelectomy (p = 0.011)

  • The number of sperm with excess residual cytoplasm was close to the control number and lower than in patients after varicocelectomy (р = 0.028)

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Фенотип сперматозоидов при варикоцеле

В. Левина5 1ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов»; Россия, 117198 Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6; 2Ассоциация сосудистых урологов и репродуктологов; Россия, 105187 Москва, ул. Ломоносова»; Россия, 119992 Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, стр. Москворечье, 1; 5ФГБУН «Институт токсикологии Федерального медико-биологического агентства»; Россия, 192019 Санкт-Петербург, ул. Цель исследования – оценить морфологию сперматозоидов у пациентов с варикоцеле после его хирургического лечения и после терапии «Простатиленом® АЦ» по данным электронно-микроскопического исследования. После консервативной терапии содержание сперматозоидов с избыточной остаточной цитоплазмой было практически равным таковому в контроле и было меньше, чем у пациентов после варикоцелэктомии (р = 0,028). У пациентов с субклинической формой варикоцеле после консервативной терапии «Простатиленом® АЦ» происходит статистически значимое улучшение ультраструктуры сперматозоидов по сравнению с таковой у пациентов, оперированных по поводу данной патологии.

Sperm phenotypes in varicocele
Группа Group
Показатели спермограммы Sperm analysis
Indications and outcomes of varicocele
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