
Fertilization is a multi-step process that begins with plasma membrane interactions that enable sperm – oocyte binding followed by fusion of the sperm and oocyte plasma membranes. Once membrane fusion has occurred, sperm incorporation involves actin remodeling events within the oocyte cortex that allow the sperm head to penetrate the cortical actin layer and gain access to the ooplasm. Despite the significance for reproduction, the control mechanisms involved in gamete binding, fusion, and sperm incorporation are poorly understood. While it is known that proline – rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2 or PTK2b) kinase activity plays an important role in fertilization, its specific function has not been addressed. The present study made use of a zona-free mouse oocyte fertilization assay to investigate the relationship between PYK2 activity and sperm – oocyte binding and fusion, as well as localized changes in actin polymerization and sperm incorporation. In this assay, the majority of bound sperm had no apparent effect on the oocyte and only a few became incorporated into the ooplasm. However, a subset of bound sperm were associated with a localized response in which PYK2 was recruited to the oocyte cortex where it frequently co-localized with a ring or disk of f-actin. The frequency of sperm-oocyte binding sites that exhibited this actin response was reduced in pyk2-/- oocytes and the pyk2-/- oocytes proved less efficient at incorporating sperm, indicating that this protein kinase may have an important role in sperm incorporation. The response of PYK2 to sperm-oocyte interaction appeared unrelated to gamete fusion since PYK2 was recruited to sperm – binding sites under conditions where sperm – oocyte fusion was prevented and since PYK2 suppression or ablation did not prevent sperm – oocyte fusion. While a direct correlation between the PYK2 response in the oocyte and the successful incorporation of individual bound sperm remains to be established, these findings suggest a model in which the oocyte is not a passive participant in fertilization, but instead responds to sperm contact by localized PYK2 signaling that promotes actin remodeling events required to physically incorporate the sperm head into the ooplasm.

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