
Generally, laparoscopic artificial insemination (LAI) provides a higher success rate than of cervical insemination in goats. However, the sperm distribution after LAI in goats remains unknown, particularly when frozen-thawed semen is used. This study evaluated the distribution of frozen-thawed goat spermatozoa after LAI and compared the effects of sperm numbers and deposition sites (unilateral and bilateral sites) on pregnancy rate. In experiment 1, the frozen-thawed spermatozoa were stained either with CellTracker Green CMFDA (CT-Green) or CellTracker Red CMPTX (CT-Red), and in vitro evaluations of viability and motility were performed. In experiment 2, the labeled spermatozoa were deposited via LAI into the left (CT-Green) and right (CT-Red) uterine horns (n = 4). After ovariohysterectomy (6 hours after insemination), the distributions of green- and red-colored spermatozoa were assessed via tissue section, flushing, and the oviductal contents were also collected. Experiment 3 was designed to test the pregnancy rates in a group of 120 does after LAI using different numbers of spermatozoa (60 and 120 × 106 sperm per LAI) and different deposition sites. The results demonstrated that the fluorochromes used in this study did not impair sperm motility or viability. Frozen-thawed goat spermatozoa can migrate transuterinally after LAI, as evidenced by the observations of both CT-Green– and CT-Red–labeled spermatozoa in both uterine horns. Lower numbers of spermatozoa (60 × 106) that are inseminated unilaterally (either ipsilateral or contralateral to the site of ovulation) can efficiently be used for LAI in goats (with a 56.67% pregnancy rate).

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