
The current study aims at finding out the importance of technology to help Iraqi undergraduate students in their writing misspelling as well as investigate the effect of using spellchecker to overcome the problems of misspelling in writing. In order to verify the hypotheses of the current study and to achieve its intended aims, the researcher adopts two instruments, i.e., the test and the questionnaire, the researcher adopts(52)students, the experimental design and uses a sample of (26) students from the first grade at English Department/College of Education for Women/Tikrit University during the academic year(2018-2019).The sample is divided into a control group with (26) students and the experimental group with(26)students. The two groups are equalized according to certain variables. The students in the experimental group are taught by using computer technology, whereas, those in the control group are taught by using traditional approach. The researcher used a computer technology post-test which is conducts on the sample at the end of the experimental which is(8) weeks. The obtained results have shown that there are significant differences in spellchecker technology between the experimental and control groups, in favor of the experimental group. Also, The questionnaire includes ten items and distributes to the undergraduate students.

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