
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) work with clients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In general, these practitioners support a variety of skills during treatment, including language, social skills, daily living, and academics. Video modeling (VM) is an intervention that is often used to improve skills (e.g., independent living, social, behavioral, academic) for clients with disabilities. It is unknown how SLPs and BCBAs are specifically using VM to support clients, including those with ASD. The primary purpose of this study was to use an existing perception scale to analyze SLPs' and BCBAs' perspectives on and use of VM. Results have indicated that while most practitioners have heard of VM and use it with clients, barriers related to training and video creation still exist. VM is still predominantly used in clinics and special education classrooms, indicating that this evidence-based strategy is being used, but more training and generalization support is needed.

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