
This study investigated the durational rhythm characteristics of L2 English produced by L1 Japanese talkers with a particular focus on the interaction between L1 and L2 speech rhythm and the role of L2 experience. More specifically, for English sentences (N = 40) spoken by native Japanese (N = 10) and native Australian English (N = 10) talkers, we examined (1) mean consonant and vowel durations and durational variability and (2) vowel and consonant timing patterns within consonant clusters. Half of the Japanese talkers had more experience in L2 English. L2 productions had longer consonant and vowel duration and less variability compared to native English ones. The degree of L2 experience played a role: inexperienced L2 talkers produced less variable vowel durations than the experienced ones. The analyses of speech timing patterns in consonant cluster productions showed that inexperienced Japanese talkers produced significantly shorter second consonants in consonant clusters compared to native English prod...

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