
The article covers the issue of qualifications relevant for modern speech-language therapy science and praxis of the disorder: apraxia and dyspraxia of speech in persons with sound disorders. Concepts: praxis, apraxia and dyspraxia of speech, – are considered. The types of praxis and their participation in the acts of creation and implementation of the motor program of speech are determined. The typology of apraxia and dyspraxia of speech was determined and their differential features were identified both within the group of speech praxis disorders and in the group of phonological disorders as a whole. In particular, the differences between kinetic and kinesthetic praxis and the specifics of the demonstration of their disorders in speech are represented. Thus, it is determined that kinesthetic (afferent) apraxia of speech manifests itself mainly at the level of phonological disorders of the type of literal paraphasias – numerous, variable, unstable substitutions of sounds. The second feature of this form of apraxia (dyspraxia) of speech is the significant difficulty in automating the sounds that have already been produced. Instead, kinetic (efferent) apraxia of speech primarily affects the reproduction of the syllabic structure of the word and the difficulties of overcoming them with relatively preserved pronunciation of separate sounds. The author draws attention to two options for the qualification of speech praxis disorders, as an separate sound disorder, and as a symptom in more complex disorders: cortical dysarthria, motor kinesthetic (afferent) and motor kinetic (efferent) alalia and aphasia. The essential problems of the qualification of apraxias and dyspraxias of speech in the absence of such nosologies in the clinical-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical classifications of speech disorders existing in Ukraine are emphasized. The ways of solving the specified problems are justified by revising the existing classifications and including apraxia and dyspraxia of speech as separate nosologies in them. Options for coordinating the formulation of speech-language therapy conclusions are presented, in which this disorders are qualified according to the old and updated classifications.

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