
This research compares signal detection and speech perception in subjects wearing either conventional level-independent muff-style hearing protectors (E-A-R 3000 and BILSOM 2315) or their level-dependent counterparts (E-A-R 9000 and BILSOM 2390). Three groups of 20 subjects, two with normal hearing, aged 20 to 35 yr and 40 to 60 yr, and one with moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, in the older age category, are being assessed. The measurements include detection thresholds for one-third octave bands within the audible frequency range, consonant discrimination, and the recognition of words in sentences, in quiet and in a background sound pressure level of 75 dB cable swager noise. Speech items are presented at 80 dB SPL. The results obtained thus far for normal subjects indicate that, except for the BILSOM 2390 at 4000 Hz, detection in noise remains the same or is slightly enhanced in the occluded relative to the unoccluded condition. While speech intelligibility decreases precipitously in noise, the wearing of three of the devices, the E-A-R muffs and BILSOM 2315, mitigates the effect. Aging, without concomitant hearing loss, is not a statistically significant factor. [Work supported by Ont. Min. Labour.]

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