
Spin-polarized transport of relativistic electrons through graphene-basedferromagnet/insulator/superconductor single and double junctions has been investigated onthe basis of the Dirac–Bogoliubov–de Gennes equation. We have presented acomparative study on two kinds of cases: in the presence and in the absence of specularAndreev reflection. Although both the magnetoresistance (MR) and conductance areoscillating functions of the effective barrier potential and the thickness of thesuperconductive graphene (SG) layer for the two kinds of cases, some differences infeatures have also been found. In the presence of specular Andreev reflection,the MR decreases quickly with an increase of the thickness of the SG layer, andnegative MR can be observed, which is in contrast to the case for the absence ofspecular Andreev reflection. It is interesting that the resonance peak of the MRcan appear at a certain bias voltage due to the retroreflection crossing over tospecular Andreev reflection. This means that the MR can be tuned by an externalbias voltage, which benefits spin-polarized electron devices based on graphenematerials.

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