
Our ab initio transformed spectroscopically determined force field (SDFF) methodology emphasizes, in addition to accurate structure and energy performance, comparable prediction of vibrational properties in order to improve reproduction of interaction forces. It is now applied to the determination of a molecular mechanics (MM) force field for the water monomer and dimer as an initial step in developing a more physically based treatment of the hydrogen bonding that not only underlies condensed-phase water but also must be important in molecular-level protein-water interactions. Essential electrical components of the SDFF for monomer water are found to be the following: an off-plane charge distribution, this distribution consisting of four off-atom charge sites in traditional lone pair (LP) but also in inverted lone pair (ILP) positions; allowance for a diffuse size to these off-atom sites; and the incorporation of charge fluxes (i.e., the change in charge with change in internal coordinate). Parametrization of such an LP/ILP model together with the SDFF analytically transformed valence force field results in essentially exact agreement with ab initio (in this case MP2/6-31++G(d,p)) structure, electrical, and vibrational properties. Although we demonstrate that the properties of this monomer electrical model together with its van der Waals and polarization interactions are transferable to the dimer, this is not sufficient in reproducing comparable dimer properties, most notably the huge increase in infrared intensity of a donor OH stretch mode. This deficiency, which can be eliminated by a large dipole-derivative-determined change in the effective charge flux of the donor hydrogen-bonded OH bond, is not accounted for by the charge flux change in this bond due to the induction effects of the acceptor electric field alone, and can only be fully removed by an added bond flux associated with the extent of overlap of the wave functions of the two molecules. We show that this overlap charge flux (OCF) emulates an actual O-H...LP-O intermolecular dipole flux, reflecting the unitary nature of the hydrogen-bonded system in the context of MM-separable molecules. The effectiveness of incorporating the OCF noncanonical character demonstrates that a distinctively QM-unique property can be substantively represented in MM energy functions.

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