
A detailed chemical composition analysis of the bright post-AGB candidate HD 179821 (IRAS 19114 + 0002) is presented. The LTE analysis, based on high-resolution (R approximately equal 50,000) and high-quality (S/N approximately equal 300) spectra, yields atmospheric parameters T(sub eff) = 6750 K, log g = 0.5, and xi(sub t) = 5.25 km/s. The elemental abundance results of HD 179821 are found to be [Fe/H] = -0.1, [C/Fe] = +0.2, [N/Fe] = +1.3, [O/Fe] = +0.2, [alpha-process/Fe] = +0.5, and [s-process/Fe] = +0.4. These values clearly differ from the elemental abundances of Population I F supergiants. The C, N, and O abundances and the total CNO abundance value relative to Fe, [C+N+O/Fe] = +0.5, indicate that the photosphere of HD 179821 is contaminated with both the H- and He-burning products of the AGB phase. The evidence for He burning through the 3.alpha process and deep AGB mixing also comes from the observed overabundances of s-process elements. Remarkably, the abundance of the element Na is found to be very large, [Na/Fe] = +0.9. The ratio O/C = 2.6 indicates that the atmosphere is oxygen rich. The results of this abundance study support the argument that HD 179821 is a proto-planetary nebula,. probably with an intermediate-mass progenitor. However, the strength of the O I triplet lines at 7774 A and the distance derived from the interstellar Na I D1 and D2 components imply that the star is a luminous object (M(sub bol) approximately -8.9 +/- 1) and thus a massive supergiant. Thus, while this study contributes important new observational results for this star, an unambiguous determination of its evolutionary status has yet to be achieved.

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