
We perform time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence measurements of mononitrotoluenes (MNTs) and dinitrotoluenes (DNTs) in nitrogen and air. We observe the multipeak emission spectrum of NO and find that the emission peak intensity in the 247-248nm range is stronger than expected compared to the other NO emission peak intensities. This increased emission intensity is believed to be due to neutral carbon [C(I)], which has a strong emission peak at 247.85nm. By comparing the ratios of integrated emission peak intensities with those expected from the Franck-Condon factors for NO, we are able to identify samples that exhibit C(I) emission. We show that the DNTs exhibit C(I) emission for gate delays of 1500ns and beyond, while the MNTs exhibit C(I) emission for gate delays of only up to about 500ns. Carbon deposits in the analysis chamber confirm the presence of C. Ambient NO in air enhances the observed NO+C(I) signal from MNTs and DNTs.

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