
The percentage of dark silicon nanocrystals, i.e., the nanocrystals that are not able to radiatively recombine after absorption of a photon, is investigated by combining measurements of external and internal quantum efficiencies. The study is conducted on samples prepared by co-sputtering and subsequent heat treatments. We show that the external quantum efficiency is mainly limited by the presence of dark nanocrystals, which induce losses after direct excitation and also, as we propose, by indirect excitation enabled by energy migration. The percentage of dark nanocrystals can be decreased by high quality surface passivation as a result of low-temperature annealing in ambients of O2 and H2. By using a non-passivated sample as a reference, the relation between the size of a nanocrystal and its probability of being dark is studied. Larger nanocrystals are demonstrated to function more likely as dark centers. The study shows that high external quantum efficiencies of Si nanocrystal ensembles can be realized for small, well passivated Si nanocrystals under suppression of excitation diffusion.

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