
A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride was developed. The method is based on the proton transfer reaction with alizarin red sulphonate in aqueous neutral solution to form a violet product showing a maximum absorbance at 530 nm with molar absorptivity of 14320 l.mol-1.cm-1. The method is obeyed Beer’s law over the concentration range (0.5-10) mg.ml-1. The accuracy (average recovery) of the method is 99.72% and the precision (RSD) of the method is less than 1.5%. The method was successfully applied for the determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulation as eye drops and the results were in good agreement with the standard addition procedure.


  • Phenylphrine(pp) is a decongestant has the following chemical structure[1].Presented at the second conference on Chemistry, University of * Mosul, college of Education, 17-18 Novamber-2013.T.S

  • The method was successfully applied for the determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulation as eye drops and the results were in good agreement with the standard addition procedure

  • The pH of the pure drug solution was 8.0, And the final pH after the addition of 2 ml of alizarin red sulphonate (ARS) was 7.0, different buffers of pH 7.0 were prepared such as borate, carbonate, acetate and phosphate

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Mosul University

‫ تعتمد‬. ‫تم تطوير طريقة طيفية بسيطة وسريعة وحساسة لتقدير الفينيل فرين هايدروكلوريد‬ ‫الطريقة على تفاعل انتقال البروتون مع كاشف الي ازرين احمر السلفونات في وسط متعادل لتكوين‬ ‫ نانوميتر‬530 ‫ناتج ذي لون بنفسجي ذائب في الماء يقاس اقصى امتصاص له عند طول موجي‬ ‫ وكان قانون بير ينطبق ضمن مدى الت اركيز‬1-‫سم‬.1-‫مول‬.‫ لتر‬14320 ‫وبامتصاصية مولارية‬ ‫ وتوافق‬%99.72 )‫ لقد بلغت دقة الطريقة (معدل نسبة الاسترجاع‬.1-‫مللتر‬.‫) مايكروغ ارم‬10-0.5( ‫ وطبقت الطريقة بنجاح في تقدير الفنيل فرين‬.%1.5 ‫الطريقة (الانح ارف القياسي النسبي) اقل من‬ ‫هيدروكلوريد في المستحضر الصيدلاني كقطرة للعين وتم مقارنة النتائج مع طريقة الاضافة‬

Optimization of conditions Effect of buffer solution
Carbonate Acetate Phosphate Without
Nature of product and reaction mechanism
Standard addition method
Present method
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