
Auditory-visual speech perception has been shown repeatedly to be both more accurate and more robust than auditory speech perception. Attempts to explain these phenomena usually treat acoustic and visual speech information (i.e., accessed via speechreading) as though they were derived from independent processes. Recent electrophysiological (EEG) studies, however, suggest that visual speech processes may play a fundamental role in modulating the way we hear. For example, both the timing and amplitude of auditory-specific event-related potentials as recorded by EEG are systematically altered when speech stimuli are presented audiovisually as opposed to auditorilly. In addition, the detection of a speech signal in noise is more readily accomplished when accompanied by video images of the speaker’s production, suggesting that the influence of vision on audition occurs quite early in the perception process. But the impact of visual cues on what we ultimately hear is not limited to speech. Our perceptions of loudness, timbre, and sound source location can also be influenced by visual cues. Thus, for speech and nonspeech stimuli alike, predicting a listener’s response to sound based on acoustic engineering principles alone may be misleading. Examples of acoustic-visual interactions will be presented which highlight the multisensory nature of our hearing experience.

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