
Classification of the pixels in hyperspectral image (HSI) is an important task and has been popularly applied in many practical applications. Its major challenge is the high-dimensional small-sized problem. To deal with this problem, lots of subspace learning (SL) methods are developed to reduce the dimension of the pixels while preserving the important discriminant information. Motivated by ridge linear regression (RLR) framework for SL, we propose a spectral-spatial shared linear regression method (SSSLR) for extracting the feature representation. Comparing with RLR, our proposed SSSLR has the following two advantages. First, we utilize a convex set to explore the spatial structure for computing the linear projection matrix. Second, we utilize a shared structure learning model, which is formed by original data space and a hidden feature space, to learn a more discriminant linear projection matrix for classification. To optimize our proposed method, an efficient iterative algorithm is proposed. Experimental results on two popular HSI data sets, i.e., Indian Pines and Salinas demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform many SL methods.

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