
The form factor K(τ) is calculated analytically to the order τ3 as well as numerically for a rectangular billiard perturbed by a δ-like scatterer with an angle independent diffraction constant, D. The cases where the scatterer is at the centre and at a typical position in the billiard are studied. The analytical calculations are performed in the semiclassical approximation combined with the geometrical theory of diffraction. Non-diagonal contributions are crucial and are therefore taken into account. The numerical calculations are performed for a self-adjoint extension of a δ-function potential. We calculate the angle-dependent diffraction constant for an arbitrary perturbing potential U(r), that is large in a finite but small region (compared to the wavelength of the particles that, in turn, is small compared to the size of the billiard). The relation to the idealized model of the δ-like scatterer is formulated. The angle-dependent diffraction constant is used for the analytic calculation of the form factor to the order τ2. If thescatterer is at a typical position, the form factor is found to reduce (in this order) to the one found for angle independent diffraction. If the scatterer is at the centre, the large degeneracy in the lengths of the orbits involved leads to an additional small contribution to the form factor, resulting from the angle dependence of the diffraction constant. The robustness of the results is discussed.

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