
Background: This prospective study was undertaken to investigate whether spectral sensitivity can be useful in determining the prognosis of fellow eyes of eyes with macular holes. Methods: Spectral sensitivity measurements using a one degree test spot presented at a rate of 1 Hz and 25 Hz on a bright (1000 td) white background were carried out on 10 patients aged between 67 and 74 years (mean age 70.3 ± 2.6 years). Each patient had a full thickness macular hole in one eye and a normal contralateral fellow eye. The spectral sensitivity measurements were made with eccentric fixation in the eyes with macular holes and with central fixation in the normal fellow eye. A year later, the patient files were reviewed to look at the patient's ocular condition. Another 10 subjects between the ages of 50 and 80 years (mean age 69.5 ± 4.2 years) were also seen. These control group subjects had visual acuities of 6/9 or better with minimal ocular media changes and no ocular or systemic pathology that could affect colour vision. Results: The 1 Hz and 25 Hz spectral sensitivities of all patients were reduced for both eyes. Despite the good eye without a macular hole having a VA of 6/6, the spectral sensitivity was similar to that of the eye with the macular hole and markedly reduced visual acuity. Conclusion: The present investigation enabled us to examine the chromatic and achromatic mechanisms by testing spectral sensitivity at 1 Hz and 25 Hz, respectively. The data revealed that both chromatic and achromatic processing could be damaged in the eye with a macular hole. Surprisingly, the spectral sensitivities of both 1 Hz and 25 Hz are equally reduced in the good fellow eye with no macular hole. A one‐year follow‐up showed that two of the 10 patients (20 per cent) did eventually develop a macular hole in the normal fellow eye. This indicates that there is some subclinical foveal dysfunction in the normal fellow eye, the nature of which is unclear.

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