
Eleven years of DMSP particle data (1984–1994) were used to investigate electron acceleration events on the dayside. Specifically, the characteristic energy (spectral flux peak), total energy flux, and probability of observing acceleration events were studied as a function of the type of dayside precipitation region (cusp, mantle, etc.). Most dayside electron acceleration events are latitudinally smaller than the events found premidnight, so it is usually possible to identify the type of precipitation which surrounds dayside events. All dayside regions contain embedded electron acceleration events, with such instances most common in the dayside boundary plasma sheet (BPS) and least common in the mantle and polar rain. Electron acceleration events in the cusp are not particularly rare, but the acceleration involved is quite mild. This is consistent with findings that large nightside potentials do not form in regions with a large ambient electron population. On the basis of the fraction of spectra which are accelerated (number of accelerated spectra divided by the total number of spectra measured), the dayside regions can be ordered as follows, with the acceleration probability in parenthesis: mantle prenoon (2.4%), mantle postnoon (3.0%), cusp (4.2%), open low‐latitude boundary layer (LLBL) (5.0%), closed LLBL prenoon (6.0%), closed LLBL postnoon (7.2%), BPS prenoon (8.2%), and finally BPS postnoon (8.6%). The total precipitating energy flux from electron acceleration has the same order; thus more dayside auroral luminosity is associated with the BPS than with any other region. When these regions are ordered by the spectral flux peak in acceleration events, the order changes, as follows: cusp (201 eV), open LLBL (234 eV), closed LLBL prenoon (390 eV), mantle prenoon (414 eV), closed LLBL postnoon (459 eV), mantle prenoon (463 eV), BPS prenoon (572 eV), and BPS postnoon (725 eV). The afternoon hot spot is found to have a relatively symmetric partner, a morningside “warm spot,” centered near 0830 MLT. Both the afternoon hot spot and the morning warm spot span the convection reversal boundary, since they include both BPS and LLBL precipitation, with the former region showing the most intense activity (both the highest number of events and the largest electron acceleration energies).

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