
A Kohonen neural network is an iterative technique used to map multivariate data. The network is able to learn and display the topology of the data. Self-organizing maps have advantages as well as drawbacks when compared to principal component plots. One advantage is that data preprocessing is usually minimal. Another is that an outlier will only affect one map unit and its neighborhood. However, outliers can have a drastic and disproportionate effect on principal component plots. Removing them does not always solve the problem for as soon as the worst outliers are deleted, other data points may appear in this role. The advantage of using self-organizing maps for spectral pattern recognition is demonstrated by way of two studies recently completed in our laboratory. In the first study, Raman spectroscopy and self-organizing maps were used to differentiate six common household plastics by type for recycling purposes. The second study involves the development of a potential method to differentiate acceptable lots from unacceptable lots of avicel using diffuse reflectance near-infrared spectroscopy and self-organizing maps.

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