
Due to the multi-electronic nature, uranium is having line rich emission spectra and is expected to interfere during the determination of analytes at the trace level in uranium matrix. Therefore, chemical separation of uranium followed by the determination of trace metallic impurities in the raffinate by ICP-AES is generally adopted procedure in nuclear industries. There is restriction on choosing alternate analytical lines of elements by photomultiplier tube based ICP-AES associated with the polychromator while monochromator needs significant time to scan different analytical lines of all the elements. Since charged coupled detector (CCD) consists of array of pixels, it is having more option in choosing alternative analytical lines of the analytes. Therefore, an attempt was made to study the spectral interference of uranium on different analytical lines of analytes viz. Al, Ga, In, Si, Li, Ti, Mg, Sr, K, Ce, Nd, Lu, Sc, V, Er, Y, Ba, Bi, Pb, W, La, Tl, Sn, Yb, Mo, Sb, Pr and Zr; and the correction factors were evaluated (where ever necessary) using CCD based ICP-AES technique. The sensitivity and the detection limits of the analytical channels of the elements in presence of uranium matrix were calculated. The present study also deals with the identification of suitable analytical lines of uranium and its detection limits.

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