
We observe 14 young low-mass substellar objects using the VLT/SINFONI integral field spectrograph with laser guide star adaptive optics to detect and characterize three candidate binary systems. All three binary candidates show strong signs of youth, with two of them likely belonging to young moving groups. Together with the adopted young-moving-group ages we employ isochrones from the BT-Settle CIFIST substellar evolutionary models to estimate individual masses for the binary components. We find 2MASS J15104786–2818174 to be part of the ≈30−50 Myr Argus moving group and to be composed of a 34−48 MJup primary brown dwarf with spectral type M9γ and a fainter 15−22 MJup companion, separated by ≈100 mas. 2MASS J22025794–5605087 is identified as an almost equal-mass binary in the AB Dor moving group, with a projected separation of ≈60 mas. Both components share spectral type M9γ/β, which with the adopted age of 120−200 Myr yields masses in the range of 50−68 MJup for each component individually. The observations of 2MASS J15474719–2423493 are of lower quality and we obtain no spectral characterization for the target, but resolve two components separated by ≈170 mas which with the predicted young field age of 30−50 Myr yields individual masses below 20 MJup. Out of the three candidate binary systems, 2MASS J22025794–5605087 has unambiguous spectroscopic signs of being a bona-fide binary, while the other two will require second-epoch confirmation. The small projected separations between the binary components correspond to physical separations of ≈4−7 AU, meaning that astrometric monitoring of just a few years would be adequate to generate constrained orbital fits and dynamical masses for the systems. In combination with their young ages, these binaries will prove to be excellent benchmarks for calibrating substellar evolutionary models down to a very low-mass regime.

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