
The spectral characteristics of efficient nonchain HF and DF chemical lasers are studied. It is found that the emission spectra of nonchain lasers operating with high efficiency are strongly broadened. Almost 30 emission lines of an HF laser and cascade lasing on the v(3-2) → v(2-1) → v(1-0) vibrational transitions of HF molecules for a number of rotational lines are obtained. It is shown that the development of discharge inhomogeneities significantly reduces the number of lasing lines in the spectra of nonchain chemical lasers. For an SF6 — D2 mixture excited by a generator with an inductive storage, about 40 lasing lines are observed on four vibrational transitions of DF molecules and the v(4-3) → v(3-2) → v(2-1) → v(1-0) cascade lasing is obtained at several rotational lines. Nonchain HF and DF electric-discharge lasers with a total and intrinsic efficiency of up to 6% and 10%, respectively, pumped from capacitive and inductive generators are developed.

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