
Flames of cyanogen C/sub 2/N/sub 2/ provide the highest temperatures of all known flames. These flames develop temperatures of 4850-5200 K, with even higher temperatures produced if these reactions are performed in a closed volume. The flame also has a very high emission brightness. The spectral composition of the radiation from C/sub 2/N/sub 2//O/sub 2/ flames has been examined at least qualitatively, whereas no spectral or other characteristics of the radiation occurring on explosive oxidation of cyanogen in a closed volume have been published. The authors have measured the spectral and other characteristics of the radiation from C/sub 2/N/sub 2/+O/sub 2/ mixtures at initial pressures of 0.2-2.5 atm at constant volume. The measured brightness temperature gave a value corresponding to the surface temperature of a blackbody at 5500 K. The spectrum in the region 400-700 nm was virtually continuous. CN and C/sub 2/ are the main radiating particles. The nature of the radiation in explosion of C/sub 2/N/sub 2/+O/sub 2/ is of the equilibrium thermal type.

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