
Supersymmetric heterotic string models, built from a Calabi–Yau threefold X endowed with a stable vector bundle V, usually start from a phenomenologically motivated choice of a bundle Vv in the visible sector, the spectral cover construction on an elliptically fibered X being a prominent example. The ensuing anomaly mismatch between c2(Vv) and c2(X), or rather the corresponding differential forms, is often ‘solved’, on the cohomological level, by including a fivebrane. This leads to the question whether the difference can be alternatively realized by a further stable bundle. The ‘DRY’-conjecture of Douglas, Reinbacher and Yau in math.AG/0604597 gives a sufficient condition on cohomology classes on X to be realized as the Chern classes of a stable sheaf. In 1010.1644 [hep-th], we showed that infinitely many classes on X exist for which the conjecture is true. In this note, we give the sufficient condition for the mentioned fivebrane classes to be realized by a further stable bundle in the hidden sector. Using a result obtained in 1011.6246 [hep-th], we show that corresponding bundles exist, thereby confirming this version of the DRY-Conjecture.

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