
The cytochrome aa3(600 nm) complex, or menaquinol oxidase, fromBacillus subtilisis a member of the cytochrome oxidase superfamily of respiratory membrane protein complexes. We have characterized some spectral properties of this enzyme and its reaction with cyanide. The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectrum of the oxidized enzyme has a single band at 1560 nm in the near-infrared region assigned to bis-histidine-ligated, low-spin ferricytochrome a. The other heme, cytochrome a3, is presumably high-spin in the oxidized enzyme, as isolated. The absence of a trough in the MCD spectrum at 790 nm, observed previously with mammalian cytochrome c oxidase and assigned to CuA(Greenwoodet al., Biochem. J.215, 303–316, 1983), is consistent with the absence of this center from the menaquinol oxidase. When the heme ligand cyanide is added to oxidized menaquinol oxidase, a new MCD band appears at 2010 nm, while the band at 1560 nm is unperturbed. The new band is assigned to low-spin ferricytochrome a3bound with cyanide. The long-wavelength position of this cyanide-induced band is proposed to arise from the close interaction of cytochrome a3with the copper atom, CuB. The kinetics of cyanide binding to oxidized cytochrome aa3(600 nm) reveal a spectrally simple, yet kinetically complex process. The reaction is biphasic with second-order rate constants of 45 and 0.61 M−1s−1at 1 mM KCN, with each phase constituting about 50% of the overall reaction. When the enzyme is subjected to a cycle of anaerobic reduction and air oxidation, the subsequent reaction with cyanide occurs in a single phase at the faster rate. This behavior is ascribed to different conformations of the binuclear center exhibiting different reactivities with cyanide, and is in keeping with that previously established for the structurally more complex mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. However, the electronic spectral characteristics of some of the species involved in these reactions are different in the present bacterial case from those of reported eukaryotic systems.

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