
The Java programming language supports multithreading where the threads interact among themselves via read/write of shared data. Most current work on multithreaded Java program verification assumes a model of execution that is based on interleaving of the operations of the individual threads. However, the Java language specification (which any implementations of Java multithreading must follow) supports a weaker model of execution, called the Java Memory Model (JMM). The JMM allows certain reordering of operations within a thread and thus permits more behaviors than the interleaving based execution model. Therefore, programs verified by assuming interleaved thread execution may not behave correctly for certain Java multithreading implementations.The main difficulty with the JMM is that it is informally described in an abstract rule-based declarative style, which is unsuitable for formal verification. In this paper, we develop an equivalent formal executable specification of the JMM. Our specification is operational and uses guarded commands. We then use this executable model to verify popular software construction idioms (commonly used program fragments/patterns) for multithreaded Java. Our prototype verifier tool detects a bug in the widely used Double-Checked Locking idiom, which verifiers based on interleaving execution model cannot possibly detect.

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