
The main purpose of the article is to reveal the specifics of the value core of the attitudes which belong to the most active strata of the population. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the action activist approach of V. A. Yadov. The main hypothesis of the research is that the most active part of the population is characterized by achievement-oriented motivation in work, a pronounced locus of responsibility, a tendency to solidarity, and the creative essence of an individual. The research method of collecting information consisted of a mass survey of the population of the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, based on a representative quota sample in accordance with the sex and age structure of the city aged over 18. A total of 600 people were interviewed in March 2020. Scientific novelty lies in the revealing the most active social group of agents of social changes based on the practices of formal and informal social participation, as well as in the identifying the specifics of their attitudes and values. The basis for identifying the value core of the attitudes of the most active part of the population is the studies of such category as “creative class” identified in the works of R. Florida, Yu. G. Volkov, A. Yu. Maslennikov and others, as well as research on the practical measurement of motives and attitudes of civil and social participation, reflected in the works of S. V. Patrushev, V. V. Petukhov, Yu. B. Savelyev. In the second part of the article, the author proves the fact of a low level of the population’s membership in formal organizations, sufficiently developed practices of informal public participation and widely developed practices of informal support. Analysis of the responses to the indicators of identifying value attitudes among groups of the population representing different levels of social activity made it possible to mark out the main core of value orientations of agents of social changes. The author proves that among activists the motives for achievement in work are most clearly identified through the possibility of showing initiative, self-realization, independence, career prospects. Activists are characterized by such features of creativity in their everyday attitudes as the desire to do something new, even if it is associated with risks and difficulties, enjoyment of creative work. An important component of their attitude is a pronounced responsibility for what is happening in their house, surroundings; they prefer to take responsibility and initiative in solving problems. Agents of social changes are characterized by solidarity, a tendency to unite for collective actions to solve common problems.

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