
The question of artistic historiosophy is a problem that has been actively discussed in recent decades. Historiosophy is an area of interest for historians, philosophers and sociologists. Artistic historiosophy is directly related to the aesthetic side of works, this is the sphere of interests of literary critics; studying it, they comprehend the text, its images and plots in a new way, including them in various social, historical, moral and philosophical processes, revealing the peculiarities of the author's view of the phenomena of life - present, past and future. One of the insufficiently studied works of the Russian romanticist, representative of the Decembrist movement V.K. Kuchelbecker is examined in this aspect. The research material is the novel by Kuchelbecker "European Letters". The proposed work is based on the methods of historiosophical analysis of literary works and the historical-typological method. Scientific novelty of the proposed study is due to the fact that the issues of historiosophy in Kuchelbecker's "European Letters" have not been considered in the scientific literature. In the process of analyzing the "European Letters", the author's unusual view of the categories of the past, present, and future is revealed, which allows modeling the image of an ideal social world, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to give a detailed description of the socio–historical processes taking place in European and Russian life, the modern Kuchelbecker period, emphasizing the special Messianic path of Russia.

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